Thomas Lorek
About me
After completing my school time in the region of Bremen / Germany and then studying in Mannheim, I was soon drawn to Switzerland, where I found my chosen homeland.
I came into contact with homeopathy as a patient at a young age. I was able to experience first-hand how quickly and healing a well-chosen homeopathic remedy can be. The thought of this never left me, so that I finally decided at a suitable moment in my life to become a homeopath myself – being able to help people on their journey is something wonderful for me!
As a person who is no stranger to science and technology, I would very much like to know how homeopathy actually “works”. However, as a user of the homeopathic method, this is ultimately only of secondary importance to me.
The most important thing for my work as a homeopath is the effectiveness of this healing method – its ability to initiate profound yet gentle healing processes. Practice, seminars and scientific studies give me clear evidence of this time and time again.
I am delighted that even in our seemingly sober, rational world there are still mysteries and that we can use healing methods in a very practical way, even if we have not yet understood them in all depth.
Y chromosome welcome
Homeopathy, like most other disciplines in alternative medicine, is still often a healing practice in which the male part of the population (patients as well as practitioners) is clearly underrepresented – even when it is taken into account that men generally go to the doctor less often.
The reasons for this are certainly manifold – role models and upbringing, as a result of which men often do not have a good relationship with themselves, clichéd images of alternative medicine and, last but not least, the “rational thinking” of men, who sometimes like to read scientific assessments first (at least in theory) before getting involved in something.
Men go through life with particular health risks that often respond well to homeopathic support:
– Dietary habits, obesity, addictions
– Stress at work and burnout
– Risk behavior
– Increased suicidal tendencies, especially fatal
– Experiences of violence
I therefore expressly invite all men to do pioneering work and make homeopathy accessible to themselves and others!
Since 2023 | Training in trauma therapy / Somatic Experiencing (SE) at the Center for Inner Ecology in Zurich
2019 – 2024 | Part-time training in classical and systematic homeopathy at the Samuel Hahnemann School in Zurich
2009 – 2017 | Part-time study of mathematics at the University of Hagen with a B.Sc. degree in mathematics
1998 – 2001 | Study of electrical engineering at the Mannheim Cooperative State University, graduating with a degree in electrical engineering
Further training
Regular attendance of supervisions, seminars and further training in the field of homeopathy
Professional stations
Since 2024
Start of homeopathic practice activities
Since 2001
Working as an engineer in the industrial sector, since 2010 in software engineering for rail vehicles in Zurich
Swiss Homeopathy Association (HVS)
Personal details
I am married and have lived in the canton of Aargau since 2010, in Gipf-Oberfrick since 2012
My work in the practice “Homöopathie im Fokus” takes place in the legal frame of telerant! GmbH, Schöneggstrasse 2, 5200 Brugg.